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Restorative Yoga

Neck stretch / cervical spine traction with strap in a restorative yoga class

A Restorative yoga class is a gentle and soothing style of yoga that prioritises relaxation and deep rest. In a Restorative yoga class, you can expect:


Relaxation and Renewal: The primary focus of Restorative yoga is to facilitate relaxation and rejuvenation. The poses are designed to release tension, calm the nervous system, and promote deep rest.


Supported Poses: Restorative poses are typically done with the support of props such as blankets, bolsters, pillows, and blocks. These props allow for a supremely comfortable experience, as students gently recline into each pose.


Long Holds: Poses are held for extended periods, often ranging from 5 to 20 minutes or more. This extended duration encourages the body to release tension and encourages a deep state of relaxation.


Minimal Physical Effort: Unlike more active yoga styles, Restorative yoga involves minimal physical effort. Students surrender into each pose, allowing gravity and props to do the work of stretching and releasing.


Breath Awareness: Restorative yoga classes often incorporate breath awareness and gentle
pranayama techniques to calm the mind and deepen relaxation.


Soothing Atmosphere: Classes are conducted in a calm and quiet environment. Soft lighting, soothing music, and minimal verbal instruction create a tranquil setting for deep relaxation.


Stress Reduction: Restorative yoga is particularly effective for stress reduction. It triggers the body's relaxation response, lowering stress hormones and promoting a sense of calm.


Weight Loss: In a study conducted by the National Institutes of Health, it was found that Restorative yoga helps people lose subcutaneous fat i.e. the fat that collects mainly around our hips, bum, thighs and belly.


In the study, which took place over 48 weeks, there were two groups of people: one that performed a routine of simple stretching exercises and another that took part in a restorative yoga routine.


Both groups lost weight, but the restorative yoga group lost almost twice as much in the first six months, and they were also better able to keep it off. The restorative yoga group also lost more than 2.5 times the amount of subcutaneous fat as the stretch group.


Both groups lost weight, but the restorative yoga group lost almost twice as much in the first six months, and they were also better able to keep it off. The restorative yoga group also lost more than 2.5 times the amount of subcutaneous fat as the stretch group.


If you find other yoga styles challenging or intimidating, Restorative yoga can be a safe, accessible practice to aid in weight management.


Healing and Recovery: Restorative yoga can be therapeutic, aiding in the recovery from injuries or illness. It gently stretches and restores the body, making it accessible to individuals with physical limitations.


Mental Clarity: The practice of surrendering into the poses encourages mental clarity and helps students let go of mental and emotional tension.


Enhanced Sleep: Regular practice of Restorative yoga can improve sleep quality by promoting relaxation and reducing insomnia symptoms.


A Restorative yoga class provides a gentle and nurturing practice that focuses on relaxation, deep rest, and stress reduction. It offers an opportunity for students to disconnect from the busyness of daily life and experience profound physical and mental relaxation.

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